Cloud Server NPU like Cloud Server Shared CPU are among the manageable servers
from the web panel ermes and from the ECS API service.
This means that all functions available for Cloud Server Shared CPU from the panel
are also available for NPU instances.
View NPU Instances
To view NPU instances, you need to go to:
Compute -> NPU servers
or by going to: Cloud Server NPU.
The page that will be displayed will be similar to the [view of
Cloud Server Shared CPU](../cs-shared/server.md)
Create a New NPU Instance
To create a new NPU Server, you need to click on "NEW SERVER" from the NPU Server view page or
go directly to: NPU Configurator.
The Configurator will then open.
The configuration process is identical to the creation of:
Cloud Server Shared CPU with the only difference in the choice of plan:
In addition to the choice of plan, the number of required NPUs can also be configured; to do this, you need to click on
the number of NPUs and choose the desired value based on the available options.
To continue configuration, you can follow: